Editor Proceedings - All India Ophthalmological Society

From the Desk of Editor Proceedings

Dear Members of the esteemed AIOS,

Greetings from your editor proceedings, Dr Krishna Prasad Kudlu !

A warm hug of gratitude to all of you for giving me an opportunity to serve in the respectable and responsible capacity of Editor Proceedings. In the past 6 years, I have been working in the position of Member , Scientific committee and tried to fulfil it to the best of my abilities. There has been an overall approval of the job done and I would like to continue the good work in a better manner in my new profile.

My predecessor Dr Arup Chakrabarti has done tremendous work in the two terms that he held office and I thank him for the foundation laid to build on. Most of the scientific contents of the AIOS annual meetings are available to AIOS members at the very user friendly, easy to navigate website – http://proceedings.aios.org/. You can access these from anywhere in the world and improve your knowledge and scientific acumen. These priceless pearls are now at your fingertips, whatever your need be. A post graduate wanting to make a presentation, a teacher wanting to teach his pupils or a consultant wanting to make clinical decisions, AIOS Proceedings is your place to go.

We have had a successful AIOC 2023 at KOCHI and the proceedings of the same will be brought to you after being curated and well archived. the scientific sessions which were well received, will all be there for you to access, if you missed any. It is an arduous task, but be rest assured you will receive it soon .

Each of you will receive bi-weekly mailers which will contain heaps of knowledge for you to pick and choose . The YouTube Channel for the Editor Proceedings will also be ripe with information from the conference. Please enjoy the content and be forever hooked to the motto of “Live to Learn and Grow”.

We have a very dynamic President , Dr Harbans Lal at the helm and hope to see AIOS making great strides in his term as the captain. My job needs all the help from the Hon Secretary which I know I will be getting, from the most knowledgeable and legendary Dr Santosh Honavar .

We as a team hope to make this portal more beneficial to all members in my term and hope to receive all cooperation from you.

Yours sincerely
Dr Krishna Prasad Kudlu
Editor Proceedings AIOS